An illustration of an adorable parade, led by a robot unicorn carrying a rainbow pennant flag bearing the logo of in a friendly script. Behind the unicorn is Ceemo the robot, holding a sign that has the logo of Right Side Capital Management. Behind Ceemo is the tiny robot dog, Beetoobee, holding a sign with the Gaingels logo. Bringing up the rear, last but not least, is the giant cuddly robot dog, Beetoocee, holding a sign with the logo for Startup Haven. Above them in white text against a blue gradient sky reads, "Feeling proud this pride." Colorful confetti surrounds their feet on a smooth grass landscape. Beneath the illustration is text that reads, "Thank you for believing in us & the power of data, design & AI to build a more equitable startup ecosystem." That's followed by the signatures of the entire team, Heather, Jake, Sarah, Scott, George and Chip.

For Immediate Release • June 20, 2024 is proud to announce our pre-seed investment round has secured our lead investor in Right Side Capital Management, and our first two follow-on investors, Startup Haven Ventures and Gaingels. Given the excitement Ceemo has generated, we’re now considering a stretch goal for an over-subscribed round.

In just 10 minutes or less, can generate a complete brand and all the custom marketing assets founders need to launch, sell, and fundraise. Since launching our beta in March of 2024, we’ve secured partnerships with Techstars, NEXT powered by Shulman Rogers, The University of Oregon, the National Disability Institute, and many more. Our mission is to eliminate one of the earliest barriers faced by minority founders, to help level the VC playing field.

With this round taking place squarely within June’s Pride festivities, we’re especially proud to welcome these remarkable investors to the Ceemo family.

A Word From Ceemo’s Co-Founders

Ceemo Founder & CEO Heather Lawver, a white woman, smiles broadly at the viewer. She has excessively curly reddish brownish hair and is wearing rainbow glasses.

“I’ve spent 10 years helping minority founders raise over $172 million in venture capital,” said Heather Lawver, Ceemo’s Founder & CEO.

“When over 90% of all VC funding goes exclusively to straight white men, it can be easy to get discouraged. Having Right Side, Startup Haven, and Gaingels on our cap table is a dream come true. Knowing we have allies in our mission to level the venture capital playing field is truly priceless.”

“Everyone will tell you, raising in today’s VC climate is a challenge,” said Jake Rosenhaft, Ceemo’s Co-Founder & CTO.

“But raising is always a bigger challenge for women, BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and Disabled founders. We’re excited to use algorithms & AI to scale our impact & craft an easier on-ramp to startup success.”

A portrait of Jake Rosenhaft, Co-Founder & CTO of He's a white man smiling at the viewer, with a goatee, wearing a blue button down shirt and navy suit jacket.
A very professional headshot (actually, illustration) of Ceemo, your friendly automated CMO, posing professionally in our very serious office. He's a white glass robot, with a rear-projected glass face screen, on which you can see his eyes crinkled in a smile. He's wearing a yellow gradient necktie with polka dots, tied in a traditional half-windsor knot. Behind him is a desk with a yellow laptop propped open, in front of a purple office chair. Behind that is a large glass window, through which you can see a clear blue sky and a tall skyscraper.

“I’m especially proud to be each founder’s friendly automated CMO, helping to build their brand and perfect their pitch.” said Ceemo, the core of the company’s tech.

“To borrow a phrase or two, ‘a picture may be worth a thousand words‘, but a strategic brand can be worth billions. ‘The pen is mightier than the sword‘, but a compelling pitch can be more powerful than prejudice. I’m ready to arm founders with both, so everyone can have an equal shot at startup success!”

Our Investors

The logo for Right Side Capital Management.

One of Silicon Valley’s leading pre-seed VC firms, Right Side Capital Management has invested in over 1500 companies since 2012. Their quick formula-based approach to early stage tech has won fans throughout the startup ecosystem.

After RCSM invested in Ceemo, we discovered that they had previously invested in founders using pitch decks developed by Ceemo during their initial test phase.

“At RSCM, we love investing in startups growing their early revenues quickly. When those revenues come from helping other startups grow too, the deal is so much the sweeter. We’re ecstatic that has welcomed us into their family.”
Kevin Dick, Managing Partner

A black & white portrait of Kevin Dick, Managing Partner at Right Side Capital Management. He's a white man smiling broadly at the viewer, with short cut hair, wearing a black polo shirt.

Kevin Dick

Managing Partner

The Startup Haven logo, in green and gray.

Since 2006, Startup Haven has built and operated the leading network of venture-scale founders and investors across North America. The Startup Haven fund and accelerator invests in disciplined founders, building capital-efficient companies, that and who are solving outsized problems with limited resources.

“When Heather first pitched to me, there was a lot that I loved. But I also had some tough and, I think, fair feedback, including that I could not fund the company that was she was pitching to me. To my surprise, less than a week later she sent me a thank you email, saying that our conversation helped her navigate to a new approach that she felt would solve for the challenges I identified. I was impressed by her grit, thoughtfulness, and rapid pivot. I asked to take a second look & the rest is history. I’m proud to invest in founders who learn from & are grateful for the helpers along the way.”
Bob Crimmins, Managing Partner

A black & white portrait of Bob Crimmins, a white man with a kind smile, looking straight on at the viewer. He has a beard, wears glasses, and is wearing a zip-up sweater over a checked button-down shirt.

Bob Crimmins

Managing Partner

The Gaingels logo, with their wordmark spelled out in a sans serif font, and a decorative angular rainbow G icon to the right.

Gaingels has deployed over $600M across a portfolio of over 1000 startups. They invest primarily in diverse & underrepresented founders, especially those from the LGBTQIA+ community. Gaingels & their portfolio companies seek to increase visibility, representation, and access for all underrepresented communities in venture capital.

“The AI world is changing quickly – every week, in fact. We believe there’s enormous potential in AI to reshape our world. When diverse thinkers are given the tools they need to lead technology in new directions, we all benefit. We’re excited to see how Ceemo continues to evolve as they aim to advance equality, accessibility, and deeper market insights.”
Lorenzo Thione, Managing Director

A stylish black & white portrait of Lorenzo Thione, Gaingels Managing Director. Lorenzo is a white man with a well-trimmed beard, wearing a dark gray shirt and a black suit jacket. He's looking off to the right, at a three-quarter angle.

Lorenzo Thione

Managing Director

Media Assets

Ceemo Quick Facts

  • Ceemo was founded in 2021 by Heather Lawver, beginning as a consultancy based in Virginia.
  • During their initial pilot phase, Heather worked with over 300 founders & dozens of leading accelerators, testing & refining the methods that now fuel Ceemo.
  • In November of 2022, after being accepted into Techstars Atlanta powered by J.P. Morgan, Heather was ready to use that single investment & saved pilot revenue to build the Ceemo MVP.
  • At that same time, Jake Rosenhaft joined initially as an Advisor, before ultimately becoming Ceemo’s tech development partner. His role eventually grew to CTO, then a year later, as Co-Founder.
  • In addition to Heather & Jake, Ceemo’s team includes Scott Altman, George Stock, and Sarah Black. Learn more about them here.
  • Our Advisory Board includes branding industry legend Peter King Robbins, and DC area investor, attorney & entrepreneur, Lisa Friedlander.
  • This round will allow us to bring on three additional team members, including our Fractional CMO, Chip Royce, and Designer Kaely Roe. This will greatly increase our capacity & put us on track to reach our 2024 sales goals. 
  • Ceemo’s MVP launched to the public in March 2024.
  • As a woman, LGBTQ+ and Disabled Founder, Heather’s proud to count as an underrepresented founder 3x over. Securing this round places her in the 2.4% of venture capital secured by women, the 0.5% secured by LGBTQ+ founders, and the estimate of less than 0.02% received by Disabled founders.
  • There is still limited availability for accredited investors to join Ceemo’s pre-seed round before it closes shortly. If you’re interested, please reach out to Heather Lawver at
Thank you!