A promotional graphic for the Women's Fast Pitch Finals at Women's Venture Summit. The graphic shows a digital portrait of Heather Lawver, and Ceemo the robot flying and winking toward the viewer.

Team Ceemo is thrilled to be competing at the Women’s Fast Pitch Finals pitch competition as part of the grand finale of Stella Foundation’s Women’s Venture Summit 2024! We’re traveling to San Diego to represent the Northeast Region after winning our finals back in June.

Our Founder & CEO, Heather Lawver, will be competing against five other amazing female founders from around the country, representing a wide variety of different industries. They’ll definitely be fierce competition!

We want to express our immense gratitude to the entire team at the Stella Foundation for all of their hard work, not only putting on this event but for their year-round commitment to uplifting female founders. Huge thank you’s to all of the pitch competition sponsors as well, including The Impact Seat Foundation, Cooley, and Holland & Knight! Last, but not least, to all of the many amazing judges who dedicated their time & expertise to judging all of the regional finals, thank you!

Please keep your fingers crossed & send all the good vibes our way! Our work is definitely cut out for us.

If you’re attending the Women’s Venture Summit, please make sure you find Heather on Whova and come by to say hello! We can’t wait to connect with you in sunny San Diego!

If you haven’t gotten your ticket yet, it’s not too late! Purchase your ticket here.

Stay tuned for news! We’ll be sure to let you know right away if we emerge victorious. Until then, we’ll see you in San Diego!